a||125d?(a.sortIndex=c,f(t,a),null===h(r)&&a===h(t)&&(B?(E(L),L=-1):B=!0,K(H,c-d))):(a.sortIndex=e,f(r,a),A||z||(A=!0,I(J)));return a};\nexports.unstable_shouldYield=M;exports.unstable_wrapCallback=function(a){var b=y;return function(){var c=y;y=b;try{return a.apply(this,arguments)}finally{y=c}}};\n","'use strict';\n\nif (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') {\n module.exports = require('./cjs/scheduler.production.min.js');\n} else {\n module.exports = require('./cjs/scheduler.development.js');\n}\n","\"use strict\";Object.defineProperty(exports,\"__esModule\",{value:!0});var env=require(\"exenv\");require(\"prop-types\");var React=require(\"react\");function _typeof(e){return(_typeof=\"function\"==typeof Symbol&&\"symbol\"==typeof Symbol.iterator?function(e){return typeof e}:function(e){return e&&\"function\"==typeof Symbol&&e.constructor===Symbol&&e!==Symbol.prototype?\"symbol\":typeof e})(e)}function _classCallCheck(e,t){if(!(e instanceof t))throw new TypeError(\"Cannot call a class as a function\")}function _defineProperties(e,t){for(var n=0;n \n \nHare Krishna Land (ISKCON Juhu) is set upon four acres of prime land and a stone throw away from Juhu beach. A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, founder of ISKCON, inspired the construction of one of India’s most beautiful temple of Lord Krishna in Mumbai.\n\nThe presiding Deities at the temple are Sri Sri Gaura-Nitai, Sri Sri Radha Rasabihari and Sri Sri Sita Rama Laxman Hanuman.The Deities were personally installed by His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.\n\n {message} {message} {message} {message} {message} Thank you for your Donation! Your transaction was successful. Oops! Your transaction could not be processed. Please try again later.\n ISKCON Juhu\n
\n \n Janmashtami Anna Daan Seva\n
\n \n
\n \n
\n \n
\n \n
Gau Seva
\n \n Cows are very dear to Krishna -Lord Krishna is very pleased when\n cows are served -Service to Cows is service to Gopal- the protector\n of Cows -Contribute generously for Gau Seva and get unlimited\n blesssings of Gau Mata\n
\n Donation for Gau Seva
\n Total Amount : {totalAmount}\n Donor Details
\n Donation successful!
}\n {paymentStatus === \"failed\" && (\n Donation failed. Please try again later.
\n )}\n
\n \n
Janmashtami Anna Daan Seva
\n \n Lord Krishna is very pleased with prasad distribution -Contribute\n generously for Anna Daan on the auspicious occasion of Sri Krishna\n Janmashtami -Get unlimited blessings from Lord Shri Krishna and his\n dear devotees{\" \"}\n
\n Donation for Shri Krishna Janmashtami Anna Daan Seva
\n Total Amount : {totalAmount}\n Donor Details
\n Donation successful!
}\n {paymentStatus === \"failed\" && (\n Donation failed. Please try again later.
\n )}\n
\n \n
Kalash Abhishek
\n \n Bathing Lord Shri Krishna on Krishna Janmashtami cleanses all bad\n influences in one's life Get a Chance to Bathe the Lord on His\n Birthday -Sponsor a Kalash for the Maha-Abhishek of the Lord\n
\n Donation for Kalash Maha-Abhishek
\n Total Amount : {totalAmount}\n Donor Details
\n Donation successful!
}\n {paymentStatus === \"failed\" && (\n Donation failed. Please try again later.
\n )}\n
\n \n
\n \n \n
\n \n Enter Organisation Details
\n Enter User Details
\r\n Donation Success
\r\n Donation Failure
\r\n \n
Janmashtami Anna Daan Seva
\n \n Lord Krishna is very pleased with prasad distribution -Contribute\n generously for Anna Daan on the auspicious occasion of Sri Krishna\n Janmashtami -Get unlimited blessings from Lord Shri Krishna and his\n dear devotees{\" \"}\n
\n\n Donation for Shri Krishna Janmashtami Anna Daan Seva
\n Donor Details
\n Donation successful!
}\n {paymentStatus === \"failed\" && (\n Donation failed. Please try again later.
\n )}\n \n
Gau Seva
\n \n Cows are very dear to Krishna -Lord Krishna is very pleased when\n cows are served -Service to Cows is service to Gopal- the protector\n of Cows -Contribute generously for Gau Seva and get unlimited\n blesssings of Gau Mata\n
\n Donation for Gau Seva
\n Donor Details
\n Donation successful!
}\n {paymentStatus === \"failed\" && (\n Donation failed. Please try again later.
\n )}\n \n
Kalash Abhishek
\n \n Bathing Lord Shri Krishna on Krishna Janmashtami cleanses all bad\n influences in one's life Get a Chance to Bathe the Lord on His\n Birthday -Sponsor a Kalash for the Maha-Abhishek of the Lord\n
\n Donation for Kalash Maha-Abhishek
\n Donor Details
\n Donation successful!
}\n {paymentStatus === \"failed\" && (\n Donation failed. Please try again later.
\n )}\n \n ISKCON Juhu\n